
The ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM AWARD continues to be the only prize in the Iberian Peninsula dedicated to photojournalism in specific. The competition is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, and from Portuguese-speaking African countries, as well as to foreigners residing in these territories.

Categories: Picture of the Year; News; Contemporary Issues; Daily Life; Arts and Shows; Nature; Set of Portraits; Sports.

The jury assesses all the competing reports to select the overall winners of the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM AWARD 2022 and Picture of the Year, and the winners in each category. The same jury selects the winner of Grant Estação Imagem Coimbra which is set out to support a year-long project about any subject on the Coimbra region.


The ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM AWARD continues to be the only prize in the Iberian Peninsula dedicated to photojournalism in specific. The competition is open to photojournalists from Portugal, Galicia, and from Portuguese-speaking African countries, as well as to foreigners residing in these territories.

Categories: Picture of the Year; News; Contemporary Issues; Daily Life; Arts and Shows; Nature; Set of Portraits; Sports.

The jury assesses all the competing reports to select the overall winners of the ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM AWARD 2022 and Picture of the Year, and the winners in each category. The same jury selects the winner of Grant Estação Imagem Coimbra which is set out to support a year-long project about any subject on the Coimbra region.


Único certame da Península Ibérica dedicado ao fotoxornalismo, o PREMIO ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM valora obras de fotoperiodistas portugueses, PALOP e galegos, así como de estranxeiros residentes nel.

Categorías do concurso: Fotografía do ano, Noticias, Asuntos contemporáneos, Vida cotiá, Arte e espectáculos, Medio ambiente, Serie de retratos e Deportes.

O xurado elixe entre todos os artigos do concurso o gañador do PREMIO ESTAÇÃO IMAGEM 2022 e a Foto do Ano, así como os gañadores das distintas categorías. Tamén elixirá ao gañador da Bolsa Estação Imagem Coimbra, para que un fotoxornalista poida desenvolver durante todo o ano un proxecto fotográfico documental sobre o barrio de Coimbra.